Over 20 years of experience delivering awareness training to schools and colleges.

We educate students, teachers and parents on substances and their effects.

As part of our Schools Awareness Programme we visit students and parents from year 7 upwards, and teachers of all years. Upon request, we will also visit year 6 to deliver information on age appropriate topics, including peer pressure, smoking and alcohol. 

Our aim is to enable each of these groups to:

  • Learn about substances and how they are consumed

  • Recognise the symptoms of substance use

  • Know what help is available and how to get it

  • Understand the side effects of use, and how it affects not only them but their family, friends and everyone around them.

Secondary school children in England are now more likely to have tried drugs than cigarettes, according to NHS Digital's 2018 survey*. The survey found that 24% of 11-15 year-old's had tried recreational drugs at least once in their lives. The survey aso found that 14% of 11 year-olds have had an alcoholic drink - a whole drink, not just a sip - 70% of those aged 15.

It is essential for us to do what we can to drive education and knowledge, to help children make sensible decisions, and to prevent possible issues with substances in the future.  

* NHS Digital 2018 Survey 'Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people in England'.


Contact the Education & Training Team

Would you like us to run a session at your school?

T: 01442 800 911
E: training@druglink.ltd.uk



We offer educational sessions on broader Drug and/ or Alcohol Awareness, or more specialist topics such as Cannabis, New Psychoactive Substances, Peer Pressure or Drink and Drug Driving.

These can be delivered through private groups with parents or teachers, to students via interactive lessons, or as general awareness assemblies. We can create a bespoke course relevant to specific institution needs. All courses will be tailored to the age of the students we are presenting to.

We also offer e-learning, enabling people to learn at their own pace, at a time that suits them. E-learning packages are available for institutions.